In 2024 blogging has evolved in many different ways for the good and bad. I am giving you my expert advice about the pros and cons of blogging and the advantages and disadvantages you must avoid. As an inspiring blogger you should know blogging takes time and is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Blogging is all about bringing awareness to your products, services, brands and your lifestyle. Blogging gives you as much opportunity as long as you stay consistent enough to see your hard work pay off. I will share my top 10 pros and cons of blogging in 2024.
Pros of blogging
1)Low start-up cost. With a small upfront investment in money compared to other internet start-ups. Depending on what blog platforms you choose to host with and plug-ins, tools, and domain names you may use. This can cost you less than $100 to get started. You must have a computer and a good source of wifi as your primary equipment to work on your blog. Blogging is a low investment and less risky because you do not have to worry about buying inventory and keeping physical products in stock. You can create products to services once you are more established. You can work wherever you please, meaning you would not have to spend money renting out office space or paying for gas and commuting to your workplace. Blogging is a great way for digital markers and business owners with low-cost marketing. Is blogging a good marketing strategy? Yes, it’s low cost; the only investment is putting in work and building up your blog with content.
Required start up for a blog
Domain cost
Hosting cost
Premium theme
2) Easy drag-and-drop designs. Top blogging platforms like Wix, WordPress, blogger and square-space have great premium themes for easy drag-and-drop designs. That you can use on your blog site. You can choose from a library of thousands of different types of themes that will catch your eyes and needs. This drag and drop concept will make your process of building your blog 10x easier than learning code or any other platforms to build on.
3) You don’t have to pay for traffic. One great pro of blogging is that you do not have to pay for the traffic that comes to your blog unless you choose to. You will have to learn how to rank your keywords in Google to get on page one of google. SEO plays a part in ranking; this is a skill you must learn to gain traffic to your website. If you do not understand how to use SEO for your advance, you will have to rely on paid ads and social media for traffic. That can be difficult if you’re on a budget and don’t have many new followers coming in. Blogging is a great way to build up free traffic that you can monetize and guide them to all other platforms your brand uses.
4) Great way to make passive income. Blogging gives you many different ways to monetize your blog to start making a passive income for your brand. By making a passive income from display ads, you can place these ads from big companies on your blog site. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make a passive income. Join affiliate networks to make much more money by reviewing products or service’s. Finally, email marketing is a great way to improve your income. when readers land on your blog post from Google. You should capture their email by giving something of value for free. These are the main core ways to build a passive income from your blog in 2024. Here are some more great ways to create multiple income streams with your blog.
- Donations
- Display ads
- Email marketing
- Affiliate marketing
- Products
- Services
- Sponsorships
- Consulting or coaching
- Digital products
5) Freedom to be your own boss. Blogging when done right will give you the advantage to kick your old job, boss goodbye, and become a full-time blogger. The freedom of not having a boss is priceless in many different ways. Of course, you will also have a lot more responsibility, but it will be all worth it. Imagine waking up and you do not have to report to any job site or to worry about time off. Blogging allows you to create your own schedule and take as much time off as needed.
6) Build great opportunities. Blogging comes with great life-changing opportunities. When you are out building relationships with other bloggers and networks, it gives you the ability to network with like-minded people and build authority via backlinks. In addition, when building out your outreach with your blog you can run digital PRs, which will allow you to get in front of a lot of journalists for exposure from national news outlets.
7) Connect and build an audience from all around the world. One of The great things about blogging is that you can create great connections with readers and like-minded individuals from around the world. By having a social media and a web presence, you will be subjected to give out your information about your brand to the world or just locally. You have the power to reach a lot of potential leads and sales when you build out your blog.
8) You become the expert to your audience. When you build up authority in your niche, you will be the expert to your audience. They will return for more information and be fans of you and your brand. Teach and give out 100% high-quality custom content on your blog and on all of your social media pages. This will give you the advantage of being the leading expert in your industry.
9) Creating an online presence. Creating an online presence is essential in 2024. Social media will only get bigger and better in the future for your brand and for the promotion of your blog. Stay on platforms where your customers are likely at. Whether that be YouTube, forums, social media sites, apps, television, or digital PRs. Your limited in your monetization ability when you don’t have an online presence like a blog site to get established and make your domain presence. Building an online presence is a must in 2024
10) Learning new skills. Learning new skills is great for evolving with the times and for the never-ending changes of blogging. Skills around the topics of email, social media, landing pages, Ai, SEO, third-party plug-ins and software for the benefit of your blog. These skills will build your blog into a brand that will last and compete at the highest level in your marketing efforts. There’s skills will be able to help you pay the bills and more! Sell your new skills to help those who are struggling and stuck in those situations.
Cons of blogging
1)Takes a lot of time and effort to build out traffic. Building out traffic to your blog could take some time. Some have seen success early on but many don’t see a lot of traffic from Google until you start to ranking for easy keywords. Which can take up to 6 months to see. I highly suggest building out a following on other platforms to redirect to your blog.
2) Google algorithm updates. With Google updates come with disruptions in the rankings in Google search results. When you are making content for Google, you have to create high-quality content at all times to withstand some of these updates.
3) Can’t rely solely on Google for all of your traffic source. I would not recommend relying on just Google traffic alone for your blog site, with all the updates from Google and the competition who’s trying to out beat you for the number one spot.
Look into these platforms for traffic
- Forms
- Social media marketing
- Youtube
- Email marketing
- Podcasts
- Advertising
- Digital Press release
- Sponsorships
- Collaborations
- Shout outs
4) Lots of competition. On the internet you can bet that there will be some competition no matter what niches you get into. Battle for that number one spot will make you change to make even better content and an overall brand. A great way to beat out the competition is to make sure your building a blog that is a brand. From all the custom photos, videos and research to be redistributed on all your other platforms, not just your blog. This is how you build authority in your niche.
5) You will need to have decent writing skills. You will have to learn how to type at a decent pace to create a good amount of content for your blog. Learning how to type can take some time if you don’t do a lot of typing. After you know this important skill you can pick up the pace with the content you create. If you don’t try to work on your skills, it can take a couple days to finish an article for your blog.
6) Constantly evolving. Blogging is evolving with technology and you must adjust or get left behind on new emerging opportunities in the industry. Join groups and find mentors who will update you with everything going on in the blogging space. YouTube is also a great resource to check what’s going on in the blogging industry when watching some YouTubers of your choosing.
7) Writer’s block. When creating content for your blog, you will occasionally come across writer’s block and won’t be able to get your mind to create the best quality of content you can. Writer’s block can last a day or two or even a week. That is why it’s very important to find balance in your work and know when its time to switch to something else in your blog.
8) SEO challenges. SEO will be a challenge for someone who knows nothing about it. SEO is important for bloggers. It is a way for Google and other search engines to find you and get you traffic. SEO is a keyword that you want to rank for. You have on-page and off-page SEO, like putting your keywords in your title and subheadings (On Page) backlinks are an example of (Off Page ) SEO. This is when you run a link from another website to yours. This gives you the advantage for your blog site compared to other websites with no links pointing to them. This can be very difficult for someone who has yet to learn what they are doing.
9) Burnout. Anything you do in life for so long you will face being burned out. Blogging is no different after coming up with fantastic ideas and writing all that great content from writing and running the blog. You will need a break, take some time off, and get yourself in a good mental place to continue your blogging journey. Don’t worry if you face this problem it’s not the end but just a little break.
10) Negative feedback. When you start to blog you will be faced with the negativity of the internet and the people who want to see you and your brand fail. This is an annoying part of blogging, but as long as you create high-quality content, you will have nothing to worry about. The love will of your follower will always outshine the negative feedback you will receive.
The conclusions of the pros and cons of blogging
There are way more pros than cons to blogging. The idea of having a blog that makes you passive income with the benefits of having no boss and working anywhere in the world is worth all the cons that come with it. If you properly turn it into a brand, blogging can take your income into the 7 figures. There’s endless amounts of opportunities that will come from all your hard work. The cons of blogging can sometimes be challenging, and many will give up. But that will make it much easy for you to have your brake though. With any business you start you will face cons and problems you can’t avoid. Get into a community of bloggers for support and help with tuition that you will have. Find a mentor that will lead you down the right path to success.